Access model summary data from an xpdb object.

get_summary(xpdb, .problem = NULL, .subprob = NULL, only_last = FALSE)



An xpose_data object from which the summary data will be extracted.


The .problem to be used, by default returns the last one for each label.


The subproblem to be used, by default returns the last one for each label.


Logical, if TRUE only the last record for each label is returned in case of multiple problem and/or subproblem. If FALSE all values are returned.


A tibble of model summary.


run_summary <- get_summary(xpdb_ex_pk)
#> # A tibble: 48 × 5
#>    problem subprob descr               label       value                        
#>      <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>               <chr>       <chr>                        
#>  1       0       0 Run description     descr       NONMEM PK example for xpose  
#>  2       0       0 Run directory       dir         data                         
#>  3       0       0 Run errors          errors      na                           
#>  4       0       0 ESAMPLE seed number esampleseed na                           
#>  5       0       0 Run file            file        run001.lst                   
#>  6       0       0 Number of ESAMPLE   nesample    na                           
#>  7       0       0 Reference model     ref         000                          
#>  8       0       0 Run number          run         run001                       
#>  9       0       0 Software            software    nonmem                       
#> 10       0       0 Run start time      timestart   Mon Oct 16 13:34:28 CEST 2017
#> # ℹ 38 more rows