This function returns a summary of an xpose_data to the console.

# S3 method for xpose_data
summary(object, .problem = NULL, ...)



An xpose_data object generated with xpose_data.


The problem to be used, by default returns the last one for each label.


Ignored in this function


#> Summary for problem no. 0 [Global information] 
#>  - Software                      @software   : nonmem
#>  - Software version              @version    : 7.3.0
#>  - Run directory                 @dir        : data
#>  - Run file                      @file       : run001.lst
#>  - Run number                    @run        : run001
#>  - Reference model               @ref        : 000
#>  - Run description               @descr      : NONMEM PK example for xpose
#>  - Run start time                @timestart  : Mon Oct 16 13:34:28 CEST 2017
#>  - Run stop time                 @timestop   : Mon Oct 16 13:34:35 CEST 2017
#> Summary for problem no. 1 [Parameter estimation] 
#>  - Input data                    @data       : ../../mx19_2.csv
#>  - Number of individuals         @nind       : 74
#>  - Number of observations        @nobs       : 476
#>  - ADVAN                         @subroutine : 2
#>  - Estimation method             @method     : foce-i
#>  - Termination message           @term       : MINIMIZATION SUCCESSFUL
#>  - Estimation runtime            @runtime    : 00:00:02
#>  - Objective function value      @ofv        : -1403.905
#>  - Number of significant digits  @nsig       : 3.3
#>  - Covariance step runtime       @covtime    : 00:00:03
#>  - Condition number              @condn      : 21.5
#>  - Eta shrinkage                 @etashk     : 9.3 [1], 28.7 [2], 23.7 [3]
#>  - Epsilon shrinkage             @epsshk     : 14.9 [1]
#>  - Run warnings                  @warnings   : (WARNING 2) NM-TRAN INFERS THAT THE DATA ARE POPULATION.
#> Summary for problem no. 2 [Model simulations] 
#>  - Input data                    @data       : ../../mx19_2.csv
#>  - Number of individuals         @nind       : 74
#>  - Number of observations        @nobs       : 476
#>  - Estimation method             @method     : sim
#>  - Number of simulations         @nsim       : 20
#>  - Simulation seed               @simseed    : 221287
#>  - Run warnings                  @warnings   : (WARNING 2) NM-TRAN INFERS THAT THE DATA ARE POPULATION.
#>                                                (WARNING 22) WITH $MSFI AND "SUBPROBS", "TRUE=FINAL" ...